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Mission Statement

WHAT exactly is this circus thing all about? The Olympian Above Ground Circus is a new ‘troupe’ that aims to build a stronger community and remind people of what’s really important: enjoyment, wonder, family, freedom, and most of all… FUN. We want to bring out the child in you by creating a space that is comfortable and safe where nobody will ever get away with putting you down.

So what’s the plan? Well, we’re going to make you smile, make you laugh, and make you happy. We’re going to throw safe and healthy social opportunities your way as often as we can. We’re going to awe you, inspire you, and get your creativity flowing. We’re going to play games with you until you can’t breathe anymore…

HOW are we going to do all that? That’s easy… First of all, you’ll never be asked to be more or less involved than you want to be. If you want to join us, that will make us just as happy as if you just come to watch. Whether we are putting on a show for you, taking the city by storm as a group, reading kids books, playing badminton, or dancing around in the rain… it’s all for you and your comfort level is important to us. We plan on doing light shows, playing lots of games (no nets and no rules), walking around on stilts, and maybe someday doing a public art installation. It all depends… since most of our events and escapades will hopefully come from YOUR suggestions…

SUGGEST an escapade!We want to know what you want to do or see us do. We want to know what you think is fun, crazy, beautiful, educational, interesting, or just plain silly. Tell us what you want, so we can do it for you. We may have meetings once a month, based on public response, that you’re all welcome to come to… or you can send me your ideas online. In fact, if you have an idea today, come to my facebook and let me know what you’re thinking. Click here to be zipped over to my facebook page.

WHY are these crazy people doing this?? The idea first came to me when I tried to go to a certain event and was nearly turned away. I wasn’t “like” them, apparently… I want to create something that has no boundaries and no discrimination; where nobody is ever turned away. That event I went to also called itself “kid friendly” which, I’m sure a lot of people would have disagreed with. So that’s another part of it. I will be what I say I am, do what I say I’ll do, and if it’s not for kids- I won’t pretend that it’s all and well.

I want you to feel good. I want you to feel happy and alive and yourself. I want to put an end to classes and denominations and isms… by creating a “politics free” series of events… We should all be embracing life and our individuality instead of molding ourselves to television icons. The Above Ground Circus will never watch TV with you…

THANK YOUto everyone who is reading this. I would love to hear your thoughts, advice, and criticism… and I would love to involve you in the billions of events to come.

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